
Author: Natasha

Dynamic consultant, speaker, content creator, author, and podcaster.

Rediscover the Fun
Tired of the same old grind? Let's make work awesome! A workplace where everyone feels seen...
Everyday Actions for an Inclusive Workplace
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) are no longer just trendy buzzwords in the workplace. Companies increasingly...
Doubt to Domination
Have you ever felt that nagging voice in your head, the one that whispers doubts and...
Level Up Your Mother’s Day: Fresh Ideas for Work
Learn More Hey there! Mother's Day is coming up, and you know what that means: brunch...
New Look, New Vibes: Empowering the Humanity of the Workforce
In the ever-evolving landscape of the modern workplace, the quest for not just productivity but also...
Check In: Your Strong Friends Need You
In life, we often admire our strong friends for their resilience, independence, and ability to handle...
Mommy Chronicles: 10 Things That Made My Year Shine
Happy Thanksgiving! In addition to all the eating, I hope you're able to have some time...
Top 5 Fall Fashion Essentials to Lift Your Spirits and Boost Confidence
Fall is a season of change, and what better way to embrace change than through fashion?...
AI for Amigos: 3 Quick Ways to Get Chummy with AI
Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an increasingly prominent part of our daily lives, transforming the way...
Unveiling Regency Romance: Book Club Recap of ‘The Duke and I’
As a woman who LOVES love stories and films. Once Netflix debuted the Bridgerton series, I...