
Author: Tess DiNapoli

Tess DiNapoli is an artist, freelance writer, and content strategist. She has a passion for yoga and often writes about health and wellness, but also enjoys covering the fashion industry, getting insight on the latest trends.

5 Must-Haves for the Perfect Back to School Look
You’ve picked your classes and stocked up on supplies, but have you checked back-to-school outfits off...
Get Married on a Budget: 10 Ways to Save Money on Your Wedding
Most people have specific dreams and ideas for their wedding. Perhaps you want the big white...
Looking for a Home Makeover? Top 6 Tips to Consider
The way we decorate and arrange our home is a reflection of our personality, hobbies, and...
Styling Tips: Jewelry That Accentuates Your Body
Jewelry has played an important role for centuries. History tells us that ancient civilizations used it...
5 Quick Tips to One Up Your Jumpsuit Outfit
Loungewear dominated 2020 (for obvious reasons), and it continues its prominence even as we slowly march...
Wedding Guest Ideas: What to Wear to a Summer Wedding
Most summer weddings are held outdoors at beautiful venues like vineyards, mountain resorts, and scenic beaches....
Fashion Brands That Celebrates All Body Types
Real women are a variety of different shapes and sizes. The cookie-cutter straight sizes of small...
7 Steps for the Most Captivating Smile
Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. If you’ve ever felt...
Time Warp: Retro Fashion Pieces to Have in Your Closet
Retro – the style that never gets old! Going retro can mean anything from flamboyant and...
First Date Fashion: A Quick Guide to Deciding on Your Hair, Makeup & Outfit

Be True to Yourself …But Don’t Be Afraid to Mix it Up In Other Words, Balance